Saturday, 23 March 2013

Trip To Fort Factory

On 7 March 2013, we went on a learning journey to the Fort Factory Singapore which was the place the British surrendered to Singapore during the World War II but now has been converted into a museum. The first thing we did was to watch a short movie about The Japanese Occupation and how it affected Singaporeans. After that, we wondered around to find information to answer questions on our worksheet that was given to us. We were also able to take some pictures. Let us share with you some of them.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is Mr Tan still reachable for an inquery? In earlier information we all had about Malaysia 2nd Prime Minister Abdul Razak Hussein is that he is a japanese soldier. But now there exist some new informations indicate that he is actually hero spy worked for 136 troop and succeeded many mission too! is that real? And the information claims watania troop is the hero sub-division formed under 136, and these people killed some japaneses during the war. But according to all other information I found online is that. 136 not yet killed any Japanese. I just very curious to find out ether Najib father is a Hero or Betrayer during the war?
